I am radio amateur since 1972 (as SWL). When I was 15 years old only, I started with a very simple AM receiver made in Japan by National Panasonic.
For long time I used to listen to short/medium waves, but one day the time to communicate was coming, on sept. 1988... The radio has been my teacher, because with him I met many people, the world, the languages, the cultures, over the world.
This is the most significant thing that I lived with the radio: during the Desert Storm I heard many Radio Amateur belong to the countries in conflict talk together ...with friendly and respect.
The real spirit of Ham Radio (HAM SPIRIT) is to go over religion, policy, etnicity.
Other call used: IK5MDF, 8Q7DF, IZ5A, IQ5JAM, II5A, IP1TIN, A25DF ...http://www.clublog.org/logsearch/a25df
MY DXPEDITION 8Q7DF - LOG SEARCH HERE: http://www.clublog.org/logsearch/8Q7DF