Got my first ham radio amateur Lincense in 1994 (ex-OA4CLK), my current callsign is OA4BSA.
I´m own a Class B License. Also an active member of the "Radio Club Peruano" and the "Digital Modes Club". Please send your QSL card via Bureau or direct. All QSL cards will be answered but only via Bureau.
NOTICE: Peruvian mail rates are very expensive; One letter (max. 20 grs,) to outside Peru costs: U$S 2.30 to South America. U$S 2.50 to Central and North America. U$S 2.70 to Europe. U$S 2.90 to Middle East and Africa. U$S 3.10 to Asia or Oceania.
Many thanks for visiting my page, 73 and good Dx´s