Hi, you have found my QRZ profile, I hope we have just worked a QSO
My Name is Ole, OZ1LCG License since 19. June 1985.
I started with interest in electronics and radio waves back in my young days at the age of 10-15 years the interest in electronics and radio waves got me into this amazing hobby amateur radio and got my D license as 16 year old, then I passed a C and B license that was updated to an A license. The hobby has followed me all my life through, I have had short breaks from the hobby. In 2003 I returned to the hobby and got better opportunity to run HF which is my main interest, and from 2008 I has been active dx hunter.
I am a member of Danish Dx Groupe DDXG.
In the professional, I work with automation solutions for the industrial area, especially pharma, chemical and petrochemical in the Offshore industry. Where I supply explosion-protected electrical equipment.
This has almost followed me as long as since 1990.
Member of : DDXG Danish DX Groupe. www.ddxg.dk

QSL Info: VIA my QSL manager OZ1ACB use this guide.
PSE direct sent to my QSL manager - Allis OZ1ACB.
1. You can send your QSL card to OZ1ACB http://www.qrz.com/db/OZ1ACB, ,
Due to the new postalrate of Januar 1st. 2019 the returnpostage
is 5US$ for a letter to Europa and outside EU 5 US $. or 30DKR
2. You are also welcome to send eQSL and confirm via LOTW.
I am using eqsl, a Gold memberAG (Authenticity Guaranteed) Please help me with eWAS ,
I am also updating via LOTW 100% confirm.LotW on ARRL Logbook of the World
Look at Clublog to search my log.
QTH Østbirk - 200km
west of Copenhagen
73 de Ole - OZ1LCG from Denmark.

Some pictures below
From my QTH.
Vertical antenna multiband, 120 radials,
1. Icom IC746pro .
2. Icom 706MKIIG .
3. FTDX 3000D all radios full equipted with CW Filters etc. + SDR consol v. 3.0 -with SDRplay RSP2 + panadaptor
4 Flexradio 6600 + Maestro & Smartsdr remote rig.
- Amplifier ETO 91b
- Radiosport 350mic & Heil Headset, Boom mike Maono AU-A03
- Analoge UR6QW 8 band equalizer - Echo master plus processor.

Corona in the waterfall.